Semester abroad As a student in the Master's in Economics program, you can spend a semester abroad at one of WU's partner universities. Additionally a special info session is held for economics students each winter semester, organized by the MSc in Economics program management team. Please fill out the report template and upload it here. With about 20,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU is among Europe's top 50 business schools and is the EU's largest institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences. The following considerations may be helpful for answering this question: Which language do I feel comfortable speaking?Which language would I like to improve? The WU International Office provides a pre-semester orientation specially designed for its exchange students. If you have not been contacted by your partner university six months before the start of your stay abroad, please consult your IO regional coordinator. For insurance policies issued in Austria, it’s a good idea to take a description with you of what is covered by your policy (in English). Many partner universities offer special services to help nominated WU students find appropriate accommodation. Note that the numbers of available places may change from semester to semester. An official withdrawal is necessary to apply for another exchange. Please note that it takes about one year to complete the application process. To travel to the US, Russia, Latin America, Australia, and Asia, Austrian students need a student visa. Our application deadlines for a stay abroad take place as usual. So you should start planning in your first or second semester if you want to go abroad. Be sure to contact the consulate in advance to find out what documents will be needed! WU and the Master's in Economics program are well-integrated into the European Education Area , allowing for seamless study across European borders. English So I wasn't sure if I was going to have enough money to pay for the study abroad program, but my parents offered to pay any expenses I couldn't. Erasmus+ For recipients of an Erasmus+ grant: Please make sure to take the Learning Agreement and the Confirmation of Stay (both documents have to be signed by the partner university) home with you. WU in Shanghai Semester Scholarship Students planning to study on the WU in Shanghai (in affiliation with Fudan University) program for either the fall or spring semester program are eligible to apply. Application periods end at 12:00 noon on the last day of the application period. Transcripts of Records are usually sent directly to the International Office and your coordinator. WU can help you plan and organize your semester abroad. Credit transfer and confirmation of your IBW International Experience, Please note that the (ECTS) credits you have received for the courses you attended abroad will not automatically be transferred to WU. In the plane, you will need to fill out the white immigration form. The University Originally established in 1888 as the Imperial Export Academy, the institution evolved into the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Which countries am I particularly interested in? A smaller number of spots are available for the summer semester. Remember to complete all Pre-Departure Requirements . Minimum GPA required by host program: Based on WU approval. Appropriate proof will be required. After your return to Vienna, you have to complete several formalities related to your grant. Since all students must spend their final semester in residence at WU, study abroad for a full academic year during senior year is not permitted. With about 20,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU is among Europe's top 50 business schools and is the EU's largest institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences. Please note: Make sure to specify exactly the "type of task" for which you want to authorize your person of trust. By clicking on "Close" or continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to the use of cookies. This website uses cookies for analytical purposes for optimizing our systems and to improve your user experience. More information. Some countries require special travel and/or health insurance. WU also has a strong global network of international partner universities. WU Alumni Hubs WU graduates are found all over the world, also in cities with WU partner universities. A semester abroad will deepen your academic understanding and help you discover new areas of personal and professional interest. More Questions? On this page you can find all information needed for an exchange semester on bachelor's level. Language certificate: Some partner universities require a language test such as TOEFL or IELTS, an EBC certificate, or a confirmation about the language of instruction of your program. The International Office will send out notifications about the final selection results via email approximately one month after the application deadline. A postponement to another semester is not possible. If you have already completed an exchange semester or have already been nominated for an exchange semester during your bachelor’s degree program, you cannot apply for another exchange semester. travel expenses and costs of living. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we prefer to be reached by phone, Microsoft Teams or email. WU is located in Vienna, a city rich in history, architecture, and music. As soon as the credit transfer process has been completed, a copy of your notification of credit transfer must be submitted to the International Office. As a student in the Master's in Economics program, you can spend a semester abroad at one of WU's partner universities. The Master's in Economics program curriculum is flexible allowing you to transfer credits earned abroad. These academic advisors are WU faculty members who support the cooperation between WU and a specific partner university. Given the continued uncertainty surrounding international travel conditions, Washington University has suspended undergraduate study abroad for the Spring 2021 semester. Due to the COVID-19 situation, it is possible that a semester abroad cannot be taken up, for example, if the partner university cancels the exchange or if the number of infections in the host country increases significantly. 3200 characters, including spaces, PDF-format, 2 MB file size. It is sufficient if you meet these requirements within 4 weeks after the announcement of your nomination. WU offers an optional pre-semester German language course during the orientation and Cultural Program three weeks prior to the start of the semester. The WU Study Abroad Application is due March 1 of the academic year prior to your study abroad … If a student cancels his or her exchange without good cause, he or she is excluded from further participation in WU exchange programs in his or her current study cycle. The International Office (IO) is the main contact point for student exchange programs at WU. During the third period (additional application period), students can normally reapply for overseas and European exchange places that have not been awarded to any applicant yet.Application process. The exchange reports by former exchange students, as explained below, provide a good source of information on these issues.Students with disabilities/chronic illnesses, as well as students with care responsibilities during a semester abroad, can apply for additional Erasmus+ funds when spending a semester in one of the Erasmus+ program countries. Size, location, and structure of the campus also play an important role for many students. Intercultural skills All nominated students are required to complete a mandatory intercultural skills training seminar before their exchange stay. If your semester abroad gets cancelled and you exceed the prescribed duration of your study program including two extra semesters, tuition fees may be due. Go Global exchange fair (Online in winter semester 2020/21)A digital program awaits you in the winter semester 2020/21. The reports are reviewed by the International Office and, if complete, made available online. An exchange semester offers interesting opportunities to deepen and broaden your understanding of the field. The International Summer University at WU (ISU WU) is an intensive short-term program that provides students an excellent opportunity for international business education.Conducted by the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business or WU), students select courses of interest to them and can earn up to 6 KU credits during a three week session. This is a great way for future exchange students to receive first-hand information about student life abroad. Likewise, the “winter semester” is often called the “fall term” or “first semester”. It is possible to apply for another stay abroad. EU countries If you are a citizen of an EU member state, the health insurance provided by your home country is usually sufficient. Financial aid: Please note that you can only receive a scholarship if you spend your exchange period physically at the partner university! This also applies if you participate in online courses. If you are looking for more detailed information before the session, please click here. They include information on application requirements at the partner university, semester dates and more.Fact sheets are provided by the respective partner universities and contain general information for exchange students. Due to the COVID-19 situation, it is possible that a semester abroad cannot be taken up, for example, if the partner university cancels the exchange or if the number of infections in the host country increases significantly. Click here for a template for a medical report. Phone: (309) 298-2504 Email: This database is meant as a means for orientation, but does not guarantee that those courses are offered each semester by the partner university or that they are open to WU students (e.g. The required amount varies depending on the university. Do I have a special connection to certain countries? Study abroad is recommended for junior year. If no English CCC class is offered for the chosen region, students must choose a CCC class which does not have a focus on a specific region. Financial aspects Please don’t forget to consider financial aspects when choosing your partner universities, e.g. It is the first Austrian university to achieve EQUIS accreditation, and has been ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe. If approved for a semester abroad program, a student takes a leave of absence from WashU. WU students who have been nominated for the summer semester 2021 or the winter semester 2021/22 and cannot begin their semester abroad may resign and reapply for a semester abroad at a later point. The authorized person has to bring the following documents: photocopy of the student's ID (photo ID/student ID). Your application must be submitted by clicking the “Agree and submit application” button before the application deadline. Corresponding links can be found in the info and fact sheets. At the same time, it helps you to sublet your room or apartment during a stay abroad. As long as your dues have been paid, you remain enrolled as a student at WU and you can register for courses and exams if they do not conflict with your exchange period. Students can view these reasons in the application tool after the application process has ended. The relevant application forms often include the following questions: Program: Business Administration / International Business Administration / Economics and Socio-Economics / Business Law / Information Systems, Institutional/Exchange coordinator: IO regional coordinator, Departmental coordinator: academic advisor. All WU students who have completed an exchange semester organized by the International Office are required to write a report on their experiences, including an evaluation of the courses taken. The allocation is the next step, in which the best-ranked students are automatically assigned to the appropriate exchange places at a partner university.Please note: Academic advisors only assess applications for partner universities that fall within their individual area of responsibility. Some partner universities send their Transcripts of Records directly to the students via email or postal mail. WU also has a strong global network of international partner universities. It is possible that the partner university switches from classroom teaching to distance learning before or during the exchange semester. During your studies, a stay abroad is a profitable experience in many respects: You will get to know a different academic environment, make new contacts and broaden your own intercultural horizon. After completion of the application process, your data will be forwarded to the respective partner university (“nomination”). In order to avoid this, please consider this when planning and scheduling your studies. Marketing, Finance, Management, etc. Once you have been nominated for an exchange semester, cancellation is only possible in exceptional cases (illness, pregnancy, important family commitments, or unavoidable, unforeseen serious events). After the application period is over, the application documents will be forwarded to your academic advisor. Detailed information regarding the pre-recognition process and the Learning Agreement for the Erasmus+ grant, which also has to be requested online, can be found here. The decision of students who decide against a stay abroad because of their reservations is accepted as a withdrawal. Students in the bachelor's program Business and Economics can obtain a proof of language proficency at the International Office which confirms enrolment in an english-taught program. Tuition fees Participation in an official WU mobility program with a duration of over 8 weeks and which extends into the teaching period of at least one semester results in a waiver of tuition fees for one semester. In fact, a majority of Winthrop's academic departments have identified a semester where students in their majors can study abroad and still graduate within a four-year time frame. The amount of this financial support is not fixed, but based on the actual additional financial burden caused by a student’s disability, illness, or care responsibilities.Eligible students who wish to apply must communicate their status when applying for an Erasmus+ grant at the latest. Info sheets and fact sheets can both be found on our map of partner universities. If you go abroad in the Fall, you will book your flight in the Summer before. They select students based on their written applications and invite shortlisted candidates to interviews. Please click here for further information on grants. "Here you can find detailed accounts written by students about their semester abroad at certain partner universities. course is already full, academic requirements are not fulfilled). In exceptional cases, students are ranked based only on their written documents. Don’t forget to take your European insurance card (e-card) with you when you go abroad! Please note that there is a difference between ranking and allocation: The ranking is a (pre-)selection of students who have applied for a specific partner university, made by the academic advisors. The main reasons for a ranking position/rejection are given in the online application tool. Apply Now Study Abroad Office You can save your application and return to edit it at any time during the application period. In Europe, the full workload equals courses worth 30 ECTS credits; overseas, please take into account the requirements of a full workload of the partner university in question. Please fill it out as comprehensively as possible. Apart from the information provided on the website, we offer the following information sessions and consultation services which support you planning your semester abroad. Represent WU at your host university’s exchange fair Many partner universities organize so-called “exchange fairs”, similar to WU’s Go Global, at which incoming and outgoing students introduce their host and home universities. In rare circumstances, a student may study abroad during the sophomore or senior years, but s/he will have to petition Overseas Programs to be allowed to do so. “spring term” or just “second semester”. Your International Office is there for you! Usually 1-2 months after the end of the semester. Tuition fees are also waived at the partner university. Based on the interviews, academic advisors will rank students for places at universities that fall within their area of responsibility. Websites of the partner universitiesOn the websites of our partner universities, potential outgoings can familiarize themselves with the course catalog or housing possibilities. Applications can no longer be edited after the application period has expired. Further information is provided during the Grants and Credit Transfer Session and on our web page on the IBW international experience requirement. Syracuse Abroad, in partnership with University leadership, has made the difficult decision to suspend center study abroad programs for spring 2021. This means, for example, that if you apply during a winter semester application period and are then nominated for a stay abroad, you will start your exchange semester in the following winter semester. "What's it actually like? Here, you can use the pre-recognition notice as a tool to check which courses fulfill the requirements of your International Business Administration major. If you are not an EU citizen, please be sure to inform yourself of any visa or entry requirements made by the host country early enough to make the necessary arrangements. Students with a major in International Business Administration (IBW) must complete courses related to business/economics worth 24 ECTS credits during their stay abroad. According to their personal preferences, students may apply for places at up to 3 universities. Exchange students are expected to take a full workload at the host university. Medical report and vaccination pass: Many overseas universities require an English health certificate issued by your physician. In such cases, please contact your regional coordinator at the International Office immediately. If you are interested in any program that is not part of our sponsored programs, please visit the Non-WU … If you go abroad in Spring, you will book your flight in the Fall before. Non-Austrian students may need additional documents. I will be studying abroad at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business in the fall and had a quick question about different housing options. Welcome home from abroad! Course selection at the partner university When selecting your courses, note that credits need to be transferred towards your WU program after your return to Vienna, so you will receive a mobility grant. The "pre-recognition" system ensures smooth credit tranfer. Information about the event will be available soon on our Go Global website. Waynesburg University offers more than 100 study abroad opportunities, tailored to our commitment to service and fellowship. Western Washington University Education Abroad 516 High Street, Miller Hall 208 Bellingham, WA 98225-9094 E-mail: Phone: + 1 360-650-3298 Fax: + 1 360-650-6572 View campus map. Nomination and registration After completion of the application process, your data will be forwarded to the respective partner university (“nomination”). In the course of the mandatory Grants and Credit Transfer Session, which takes place before your exchange semester, you will receive all the necessary information and documents. Please note that applications must be submitted a year in advance. Overseas/non-EU countries Additional travel and/or health insurance is recommended. As part of the application, a detailed list of all necessary expenses must be submitted. During the entire semester abroad, students must be registered at WU and can only complete their studies after the semester abroad. To travel to Canada for a stay of up to six months, students with Austrian citizenship do not need a student visa. Students are responsible for booking and paying for their own flights. Partner universities can still make changes until the start of the exchange semester. Summer programs have the SAME deadline as semester/fall programs (near the end of fall semester). To submit the application, you will also need to bring your transcript. Exchange places overseas - application statistics winter semester 2020/21, Exchange places Europe - application statistics winter semester 2020/21, Exchange places additional application period - available exchange places winter semester 2020/21 (spots for Europe will be added after the application period for Europe exchange places has ended). ... Over 100 international students come to Queen's each year to study abroad for a semester or year.