Welcome to the homepage of the Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing Group of the University of Basel. : +41 (0)61 267 37 50 fax: +41 (0)61 267 13 49 e-mail: view address: Department Secretary Department of Physics University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82 CH-4056 Basel office: 1.08 tel. Botanical Time Travel. University of Basel Research in our group concentrates on the problem of automated image understanding. Jurriaan de Vos. Overview. The main focus on our research is based on the investigation of the properties of ad-surface molecular structures built from the bottom-up. Email: jiri.cerny@unibas.ch Office: 04.001 (4th floor) Phone: +41-61-207 … Professor of probability theory at University of Basel. Molecular Factories — the Art of Engineering on the Microscale. The student will have to work on: "Experimental study on the isotopic exchange reactions between hydrogen isotopes and ammonia in the presence of metal surfaces" MCR@University of Basel. University of Basel. It will house 600 researchers from around the world and a large range of highly sensitive scientific installations. The Zoology section within the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel promotes higher education and research in organismal animal biology, particularly in the fields of evolutionary biology, genetics, behavior, and developmental biology. Emma Hodcroft, Molecular epidemiologist at the University of Basel, discusses an increase in virus cases ahead of holiday season. Botanical Time Travel. More The University Hospital Basel is synonymous with the very best in medical, nursing and therapeutic care. E-mail: Volker.Roth@unibas.ch Phone: + 41 61 207 0549, Fax: + 41 61 207 0559 Course directory of the University of Basel . Our students leave highly qualified within their profession and have strong perspectives on the job market. We have an open position for a master project in our group. University of Basel. Originally the University of Basel was decreed to have four faculties—arts, medicine, theology, and jurisprudence. Not surprisingly, Basel’s old town contains nearly all the sights that are generally connected with Basel. The molecule, 4'-(4-Tolyl)-2,2':6',2'-terpyridine, was designed by the group of Prof. Catherine Housecroft from the University of Basel. Stations Variables Temperature and rel. Welcome to the homepage of the probability group at the Deparment of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Basel. Top left the river Rhine and Germany Top right Basel and Switzerland Photo by J. J. Diemer, autumn 2002 The research groups of the Biozentrum are grouped into five major areas of investigation: Growth & Development, Infection Biology, Neurobiology, Structural Biology & Biophysics and Computational & Systems Biology. University of Basel Inauguration Ceremony 1460.jpg 250 × 348; 39 KB Universität Basel 2018 logo.svg 1,024 × 340; 15 KB Wand Mosaik, Kennen und Erkennen, 1955–60, Eingang Spalengraben, Universität Basel, … Studies Epistemology, Hermeneutics, and Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters. avuba is the assistants’ association of the University of Basel and represents the academic, professional and education policy interests of teaching and research assistants, both within the University and when dealing with authorities and the general public. Die Fakultät für Psychologie der Universität Basel wurde 2003 gegründet, nachdem das Institut für Psychologie seit 1978 bestand. The University of Basel was founded in connection with the Council of Basel.The deed of foundation given in the form of a Papal bull by Pope Pius II on November 12, 1459, and the official opening ceremony was held on April 4, 1460. Basel (Switzerland) Published: 2020-12-04. 7,364 were here. Database and Information Systems Research Group, University of Basel, Switzerland Cooperation between our various disciplines and professions ensures that this is the case, promoting communication and facilitating individually tailored treatment. University of Haute Alsace, MIPS laboratory, Mulhouse, France. University of Basel. We conducted first tests on our low-temperature STM to calibrate the molecule evaporation and demonstrated the first controlled displacements by electronic pulses from the STM tip (see movie below). University of Basel Prof. Dr. Volker Roth Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Room 06.003 Spiegelgasse 1 CH - 4051 Basel, Switzerland . To be able to use all the services of the University of Basel, you must link your account at the University of Basel with your SWITCH edu-ID. The Basel Institute on Governance is an independent not-for-profit competence centre working around the world to strengthen governance and counter corruption and other financial crimes. Biozentrum, University of Basel, C-CINA, M.E. Aug 27, 2019. University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82 CH-4056 Basel office: 4.11 tel. For the university as a whole, an additional lecture hall capacity for 800 students is being created. humidity Precipitation and evaporation Wind and air pressure Radiation Energy fluxes Fog and … A degree in chemistry from the University of Basel will provide you with an in-depth chemical knowledge as well as many other useful skills sought by employers in diverse sectors. Welcome to the SWITCH edu-ID Linking Service of the University of Basel. Find 5714 researchers working at University of Basel | Basel, Switzerland | UNIBAS The Basel Institute on Governance is an Associated Institute of the University of Basel. : +41 (0)61 267 36 87/88 fax: +41 (0)61 267 37 84 e-mail: Astrid Kalt: view address PhD Position in Differential Diagnostics for Dermatology with Machine Learning. Linking the two accounts is done in the following two steps: Login with the Uni Basel … Christoph Heilig, University of Basel, Faculty of Theology, Post-Doc. Mueller Institute for Structural Biology, Basel, Switzerland and FEI Electron Optics BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands , Jean-Philippe Urban. She completed her BA and MA studies in Social Anthropology and Law at the University of Basel and the University of Lausanne (UNIL). Overview Map Tower-Cam Projects DB-Codes Control Measurement sites Basel Namibia Heraklion. Free Conference "Influence, Manipulation and Seduction. 11.6k Followers, 2,525 Following, 1,148 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Universität Basel (@unibasel) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language" Our group resides in the Department of Physics, Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel, Switzerland.See the visitors information page for a detailed description on our location and how to get here. 0.002 sec, queries - 0.000 sec ©Universität Basel | Impressum | 21/12/2020. And yet this district offers much more: world-class museums, shopping delights for individualists of every kind, traditional pubs and new favourites, and a spot – the St. Alban-Tal, also known as the “Little Venice” of Basel – that melts the heart of every romantic. It is the oldest university in Switzerland. Sep 30, 2019. We combine methods from Machine Learning, Computer Graphics and Computer Vision to implement Analysis-by-Synthesis Systems for an automated image perception. Please pay attention to the current information about the coronavirus on our website.. Classroom teaching will be discontinued until further notice, and courses will be offered as soon as possible, and at the latest from Monday, November 2, via digital channels. The University of Basel was founded in 1460. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Universität Basel! A proposal by the Research Data Management network of University of Basel Open science aims at making research findings, methodologies and data available freely to scientists and to the society.But as the volume and complexity of data involved in research continues to grow exponentially, the effort to find, curate and reuse data made available through open policies is also increasing rapidly. Besides her academic activities, she worked as a legal consultant and program manager counselling asylum seekers with the … Nanolino - Meyer Group - Uni Basel - positions. Postal address: Departement of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Basel Spiegelgasse 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland. The Biozentrum will move into a new home to continue fostering its world class research. Welcome to NANOLAB. Sie versteht den Menschen als komplexes bio-psycho-soziales Wesen, welches sich in verschiedenen Lebens- und Arbeitswelten entwickelt, darin handelt und die Lebens- und Arbeitswelten mitgestaltet. MCSS v5.8 PRO. Browse the 159 departments of University of Basel | Basel, Switzerland | UNIBAS